From this paper PLoS ONE: Nascentome Analysis Uncovers Futile Protein Synthesis in Escherichia coli
It was called to my attention via twitter:

ayrrisbio ayrrisBIO - Appistry
Awe MT @aaron_best But it's so new. Give nascentome a chance. RT @WvSchaik: #badomics word: The 'nascentome'
aaron_best Aaron Best
But it's so fresh and new. Give nascentome a chance. RT@WvSchaik: #badomics word: The 'nascentome':
m_m_campbell Malcolm M. Campbell
Worthy candidate for #badomics word of the year: 'nascentome'. Blech. via @phylogenomics
It is a really bad omits word. So we are giving it an award. Not sure which one yet. But one of these:
Bad name aside, read the paper. The electrophoretic isolation of tRNA linked nascent peptides described within is an elegant method. Co-translational protein folding and ribosomal mis-folding problems are cracked open by this technique. It stands on enough merit that the authors can call it whatever they like. The old adage comes to mind "There is no such thing as bad press" so thanks for nominating it for the award, otherwise I might have missed this gem!
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree Chris. Usually I only highlight papers that the science is interesting since I don't want to call attention to crap. And I also try to focus only on Open Access papers if I can, since I also don't want to call attention to non OA pubs ...