Not much to say other than that this is awesome: The Beard-ome : Oscillator: "Christina Agapakis".
Hat tip to Bora
Asked why the company was sponsoring the initiative, Darbee referred to the 2006 battle in which it spent more than $11 million to prevent Davis, Woodland and West Sacramento from defecting to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District.
"So it was really a decision about could we greatly diminish this kind of activity for all going forward rather than spending $10 (million) to $15 million a year of your money to invest in this," Darbee told the shareholders. "The answer was yes."So basically this is there way to limit the choices of cities by putting this on a statewide ballot. In essence, whether liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, I can't see why anyone would support this Proposition. A conservative could easily see this as PG&E trying to be the big hand of government to take away taxpayer choice. A liberal could see this as a company using their money to buy votes and prevent choice in energy usage. I really cannot see any potential upside in this for anyone but PG&E. Lovely
On March 29th, will present Jens Lagergren speaking
on "Probabilistic analysis of gene families with respect with gene
duplication, gene loss, and lateral gene transfer." Abstract below.
NOTE: the seminar will begin at 10h PST, which is three hours earlier
than the previous seminars.
This is 13h Eastern Standard Time, 19h Central European Time, and 6h
in Christchurch and Auckland!
Here's the abstract:
Incongruences between gene trees and corresponding species trees are
common. Gene duplication, gene loss, and lateral gene transfer are
three types of evolutionary events that can cause such incongruences.
I will first describe a probabilistic process that contains standard
models of nucleotide substitutions (i.e., such that underly
probabilistic methods for phylogenetic tree reconstruction) as well as
gene duplication and gene loss. This process takes place in a given
species tree and can be used to reconstruct a gene tree for a gene
family of interest and simultaneously reconcile the gene tree with the
species tree. I will describe the algorithms available for this model
and also describe how they perform on biological data compared to
competing methods. Finally, I will describe an extension of this model
that also contains lateral gene transfer and show how it performs on
synthetic data.
Hope to see you there!
"The bibliome is the totality of biological text corpus. This term was coined around 2000 in EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute) to denote the importance of biological text information.The first uses seem to be in and around 2001. See this article from Nature Reviews Genetics in 2001 Mining the bibliome. And another one with a very similar title in EMBO in 2002: Mining the Bibliome (with some other words in the title). And another one in Pharmacogenomics entitled Mining the bibliome.
Gave my 1st ever talk about Yolo Bypass and my 1st ever talk about Nature Photography. Here it is ...