Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bad omics word of the day: miRNAome

Hat tip to Rami K. Aziz on Twitter for this.

The winner of today's Bad Omics Word of the Day is a paper in PLoS One: PLoS ONE: Characterization of the Melanoma miRNAome by Deep Sequencing

They even slipped the word into the title. I do not think the word was coined by them as I found some older references going back at least to 2005: MicroRNA Gene Expression Deregulation in Human Breast Cancer in Cancer Research.

Given that there were only 847 google hits as of today, the word clearly has not taken off, which is good.  But alas it is still being used, even in titles.  As far as I can tell, what they mean by the term is "All the miRNAs in a particular cancer class" --- unclear to me why that needs an ome.


  1. Only to be expected from Australians! ;-)

  2. but 16,000 Google hits to miRNome, which seems to be the correct spelling to this unpronounceable term


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