Monday, December 16, 2019

Trail desk at the Davis Wetlands

So I am just finally coming out of a rough patch of about three weeks with an infection or series of infections. Still have a bad cough and my brain is in a fuzz.  But I felt physically a bit better today.  As I did not want to risk spreading my cooties to people at work, I stayed away from the office and ended up scheduling four phone calls / video chats today.  Two of them were this AM and so, since I did not feel horribly bad, I decided to do the AM calls while at one of my trail desks.

My "trail desk" is the term I use to refer to doing calls while outdoors.  Today I went to the Davis Wetlands since they are only open on Mondays in the Winter.  And I did two phone calls while walking around there and taking pictures.

As usual I posted entries to iNaturalist:

Best part of the outing.  Lots of Sandhill Cranes migratory overhead.   So if you were on one of these calls and could hear the background when I was not on mute,  you may have been hearing the Sandhill cranes.  Or the geese.  Or me coughing (yes I am not totally better).

And I posted some of the better pics to Smugmug.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Birding while ill ...

OK so am pretty sick with bronchitis and such.  But I had to get out.  So I went for a brief birding outing, mostly in my car (I walked around a bit here and there).  I went to Yolo Bypass and then drove briefly around rural Davis on the way home.

I posted some of the pics to iNaturalist.


Posted the best pics to Smugmug.  See here

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pics from Trip to Panama

So I went to Panama last week for a couple of meetings about microbiomes.  More on that later.

I just wanted to post some links to the pics I took on the trip.  Pics mostly taken with a Nikon D500 with a Nikon 200-500 mm lens.

Inaturalist Entries:

December 2, 2019:
December 3, 2019:
December 4, 2019:
December 5, 2019:
December 6, 2019:
December 7, 2019:

Smugmug collection of Best Pics

Most recent post

Talk on Sequencing and Microbes ...

I recently gave a talk where I combined what are normally two distinct topics - the Evolution of DNA Sequencing, and the use of Sequencing t...