Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Slides I have used for "Biodiversity and the Tree of Life" at @ucdavis

I have posted the slides I have used so far in remote teaching for "Biodiversity and the Tree of Life" - aka Bis2C - at UC Davis and I thought I would share them here.

Many of the figures are from "Life v 11" by Hillis et al. which is the textbook we have been using for the class. I have been told in the past by the publishers that this was OK to do so I am assuming it is still OK. Hope there are not too many errors ... for some reason Lecture 10 will not upload - working on it

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Today's stay at home activity - virtual tour of the Dali museum

Love that the Dean of the College of Biological Sciences Mark Winey sent out a suggestion to check out this virtual tour of the Dali Museum in his regular message to the college.  And it is pretty cool. Check it out: Visit the museum as you have never done before! | Fundaci� Gala - Salvador Dal�

Another #NatureAtHome project: Never Home Alone:

This is another nice at home activity relating to Nature.  Rob Dunn and colleagues have been running this  Wildlife of Your Homes project in various ways for many years.  And it is easy to participate in it via iNaturalist. Take pics of bugs or other critters in your home and then post them and add them to the iNaturalist project.  See Never Home Alone: The Wild Life of Homes � iNaturalist.

Another #NatureAtHome project: Never Home Alone:

This is another nice at home activity relating to Nature.  Rob Dunn and colleagues have been running this  Wildlife of Your Homes project in various ways for many years.  And it is easy to participate in it via iNaturalist. Take pics of bugs or other critters in your home and then post them and add them to the iNaturalist project.  See Never Home Alone: The Wild Life of Homes � iNaturalist.

Resource for #NatureAtHome: California Academy of Sciences

OK have not been posting much to this blog for a few weeks due to the disruption from the coronavirus but I am going to start posting again when I find things that may be of use for the new world of social distancing, etc.

Today I am posting about the California Academy of Sciences which has a nice page compilation information and resources they have for activities at home: Academy @ Home | California Academy of Sciences

Thanks Cal Academy.

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My Ode to Yolo Bypass

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