Monday, July 29, 2019

Eisen Lab Outing to See the #Bats of #YoloBypass July 25, 2019

So on July 24, 2019 I went to see the bats of Yolo Bypass and wrote about it here:

Bats at Yolo Bypass and a very very very fast visitor .. #NikonD500, #Bats #YoloBypass #PeregrineFalcon

And then on July 25, I went again with some members of my lab.  It was spectacular, even though we did not see any peregrine falcons this time.

I went a few minutes early and drove a loop in the park and then parked on the levee near the gate and went for a little walk there.  On the walk I got a few nice pics of a great egret.

Then I set up two trips over by where the bats come out.  One with an old camera and a wide angle lens.  And on that one I recorded video of the bats.

And then on the other one I took pics with my Nikon D500 and Nikkor 200-500 mm lens.  See pics below.  I also made a gif from the pics.



Oh and people in my lab posted some pics too

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Talk by Erin Dolan at UC Davis about CUREs

I made a Twitter moment for Tweets about a talk by Erin Dolan about "Undergraduate research at scale: what if the treatment is a cure" that was July 15, 2019 at UC Davis.

Here is a link:

Wrap up of talk by Enid Gonzales-Orta at UC Davis June 11, 2019

Dr. Enid Gonzales-Orta gave a talk at UC Davis June 111, 2019. I posted some notes on Twitter. Here are some links to those.

Main Tweet (others are threaded with this one).
Twitter moment:


Bats at Yolo Bypass and a very very very fast visitor .. #NikonD500, #Bats #YoloBypass #PeregrineFalcon

Went out to see the bats of Yolo Bypass tonight and was not disappointed.  

Got to the entrance around 7:45 and since this was 45 minutes before sunset and the bats were supposed to come out around sunset I went into the park for a few minutes to tool around.

Got a few pics of flowers, birds and Sacramento

And then headed back out b/c they lock the gate at sunset. I parked on the levee outside the gate and got out my camera gear and set up awaiting the bats. The bats came out just after the sun went down. A person there said that yesterday they came out 10 minutes before sunset.

And they streamed out ... and it was awesome to behold.

But then came the even more awesome stuff ...

A shadow of a thought.  

It was a peregrine.  I did not get great pics but got some OK ones (my lens is not good in low light).  And it did catch and eat a few bats on the wing.  And then headed off.

And then it headed out and the bats came back.

Most recent post

My Ode to Yolo Bypass

Gave my 1st ever talk about Yolo Bypass and my 1st ever talk about Nature Photography. Here it is ...