Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Kroll Associates "fact finding" email re: #OccupyUCDavis #UCDavis

Just got this email and thought I should post it
from UC Davis Fact Finding Review to UC Davis Campus Community date Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 4:37 PM subject UC Davis Fact-Finding Review: November 18 Pepper-Spray Incident mailed-by

To the UC Davis Campus Community:

 We have been asked to contact you on behalf of Kroll Associates, which has been retained by University of California President Mark Yudof to conduct an independent fact-finding review concerning the pepper-spraying incident that occurred on the UC Davis Quad on November 18. The fact-finding report will be provided to a task force appointed by President Yudof. The task force is comprised of 12 students, faculty, alumni and staff members, and chaired by former California Supreme Court Justice Cruz Reynoso, a professor emeritus at the UC Davis School of Law. The task force is charged with reviewing the fact-finding report and other available information to assess what happened on November 18, assign responsibility, and "make recommendations regarding improvements to police procedures, command protocols and campus policies and oversight structures that will help ensure that the rights and safety of nonviolent protestors and the entire campus community are protected."

Kroll investigators have advised that they wish to provide the task force a factual, fair and objective report as to what occurred on November 18. To this end, the Kroll investigators wish to speak with witnesses to the events on November 18 to learn their perspectives on this incident. If you have information concerning this incident, the Kroll investigators would like to have an opportunity to interview you. You may contact the Kroll team of Jim Voge and Greg McKnight as follows: telephone number (530) XXX-XXXX, or email address: You may also visit their temporary offices located on the second floor of the Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center.


  1. How much do you think they are spending on Kroll? They seem to be big time CYA consultants. This move, while not as bad as buying more pepper spray for the police, doesn't exactly brodcast sympathy to the students.

    Whatever the amount, I'm sure it's more than it would cost to log onto youtube, and, you know, see what happened.

  2. well, I am sure they are paying a lot -- which is certainly annoying --- and I have posted before about how I think involving Kroll and Bratton is not a smart call --- but I do note that I think an investigation or two is a good idea --- whether we really need five of them which is what seems to be happening --- well --- that seems a bit excessive


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