Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Good luck Chris Gunter ...

One of my favorite journal editors is moving on.  Chris Gunter, who has been one of the genetics and genomics editors at Nature is moving to be the "Director of Research Affairs at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology." She has been a big promoter of "free access" to articles within Nature and was at least in part responsible for (if not the major person behind) the fact that many genomics papers at Nature were freely available to all (note they were not always fully OA publications but at least they were free, which was more than many other journals, even non profit ones were doing).

As for what Chris will do at HudsonAlpha, the press release says she "will work closely with Dr. Richard M. Myers, HudsonAlpha director, to raise awareness about HudsonAlpha and its research programs on a national level." RIck was the person who helped push me to formalize my ideas behind "phylogenomics" many years ago when we were both at Stanford and so now two of my favorite genomics folks will be in Alabama. I guess HudsonAlpha is a place to keep an eye on ...

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