Saturday, October 20, 2012

iTalk bug - help needed with partial / unclosed aiff file

Well, too long of a saga to post directly to Twitter so posting here.

Yesterday I recorded a review session for a class with iTalk  I recorded it on my iPhone 4S.

When I got home to upload the file and to convert it to an MP3 to share with the class I discovered that it seemed to not be there in the iTalk file list.

I thought - maybe I never formally "saved" the file but maybe iTalk kept the recording somewhere.

So I opened up iTunes connected to my phone and there it was in the Apps file area

I then copied the file to my desktop and no matter what I do I cannot seem to open it and /or extract audio out of it.  I have tried to open it a million ways with all sorts of desktop and online programs and nothing works.  My guess is somehow the file was not closed out correctly and thus even though it is 430 Mb it is viewed as empty by all the programs I have tried.

Anyone know a solution for this?

I have posted the file to Dropbox here.


  1. Dear Jonathan,

    I have now corrected your file and am uploading it back to dropbox. Will add a link when completed.

    I have used SuperCollider (
    and a script I found on the net ( to process the file and read it again.

    Best wishes,
    José Afonso Guerra-Assunção

    1. Link:

    2. hi
      I have the same sort of problem here; the aiff file is copied to itunes but I cannot open it anymore. Can you tell me in more detail how to fix it?

      Arent Jan

    3. problem solved by griffin

  2. Also thanks to @xephedradap on Twitter for also coming up with a solution. See here for more detail

  3. Note - I found a solution which simply involved uploading to Soundcloud (see here ). Seems Soundcloud could figure out the corrupted file

    1. This tip saved my morning and (some of) my professional credibility, thank you! Hurrah for Soundcloud!

  4. The soundcloud tip was really helpful. Thanks!

    1. Wow. I had a similar problem with an unfinished AIFF file. Soundcould fix it. Thank you!!!!

  5. I am having this exact problem with the file of an interview I just conducted. I am desperate to retrieve the audio as it is part of a research project and I cannot re-interview the participant. I tried the Soundcloud trick and it did not work for me. Any help would be gratefully received!


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