Friday, February 17, 2012

Results of #UCDavis Faculty Resolutions released re: Katehi, Pepper Spray, #OccupyUCDavis

Just received the three emails below regarding results of three UC Davis Faculty Senate Resolutions regarding the pepper spray incident from November and thought they might be of some interest.  See this post for a little background.  


On December 20, 2011, a petition bearing the signatures of at least 50 members of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate of the University of California was submitted asking that the following Motion Concerning Police Actions be voted on by the membership of the Davis Division (tenure/tenure-track faculty of the UC Davis Campus):


Be it resolved that that the Davis Division of the Senate of the University of California hereby (1) condemns both the dispatch of police and use of excessive force in response to non-violent protests on November 18, 2011;
(2) opposes violent police response to non-violent protests on campus;
(3) demands that police deployment against protestors be considered only after all reasonable efforts have been exhausted and with direct consultation with Academic Senate leadership.

The Davis Division membership was notified on February 3, 2012 that on-line balloting was open and would be closed on February 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM.  The on-line ballot results were reviewed by the Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction on February 17, 2012 after 5:00 PM and are reported as follows:

Total eligible voters:                               2,693

Required to pass:                               Majority

Vote received:
      Yes:                                                     635
      No:                                                      343

Invalid Ballots:                                             0

The Motion was therefore declared approved and the University of California, Davis Division of the Academic Senate does support the Motion Concerning Police Actions.

Respectfully submitted,

Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction
G.J. Mattey, Chair
James Fadel
Mark Grismer


On December 15, 2011, a petition bearing the signatures of at least 50 members of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate of the University of California was submitted asking that the following Five-Resolution Vote of Confidence be voted on by the membership of the Davis Division (tenure/tenure-track faculty of the UC Davis Campus):


Be it therefore resolved that the Davis Division of the Academic Senate:

1)     Condemns both the dispatch of police in response to non-violent protests and the use of excessive force that led to the deplorable pepper-spraying events of November 18, 2011.
2)     Opposes all violent police responses to non-violent protests on campus.
3)     Demands that police deployment against protesters be considered only after all reasonable administrative efforts to bridge differences have been exhausted, including direct consultation with the leadership of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate.
4)     Accepts Chancellor Linda Katehi’s good faith apology.
5)     Expresses confidence in Chancellor Linda Katehi’s leadership and efforts to place UC Davis among the top 5 public universities in the nation.

The Davis Division membership was notified on February 3, 2012 that on-line balloting was open and would be closed on February 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM.  The on-line ballot results were reviewed by the Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction on February 17, 2012 after 5:00 PM and are reported as follows:

Total eligible voters:                               2,693

Required to pass:                               Majority

Vote received:
      Yes:                                                     586
      No:                                                      408

Invalid Ballots:                                             0

The Motion was therefore declared approved and the University of California, Davis Division of the Academic Senate does support the Five-Resolution Vote of Confidence.

Respectfully submitted,

Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction
G.J. Mattey, Chair
James Fadel
Mark Grismer


On December 6, 2011, a petition bearing the signatures of at least 50 members of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate of the University of California was submitted asking that the following Motion Concerning the Chancellor’s Judgment be voted on by the membership of the Davis Division (tenure/tenure-track faculty of the UC Davis Campus):

Motion:  In light of the events on the quadrangle of the UC Davis campus on the afternoon of Friday November 18, 2011, in light of Chancellor Linda Katehi’s email to faculty of November 18 in which she admitted that she had ordered the police to take action against the students who were demonstrating on the quadrangle and said that she had had “no option” but to proceed in this way, and in light of the failure of Chancellor Katehi to act effectively to resolve the resulting crisis in the intervening days,

Be it therefore resolved that the Davis Division of the Senate of the University of California lacks confidence in the leadership of Chancellor Katehi, and

Be it also resolved that the result of the vote on this motion be communicated to the Board of Regents and the President of the University of California.

The Davis Division membership was notified on February 3, 2012 that on-line balloting was open and would be closed on February 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM.  The on-line ballot results were reviewed by the Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction on February 17, 2012 after 5:00 PM and are reported as follows:

Total eligible voters:                               2,693

Required to pass:                               Majority

Vote received:
      Yes:                                                     312
      No:                                                      697

Invalid Ballots:                                             0

The Motion was therefore declared defeated and the University of California, Davis Division of the Academic Senate does not support the Motion Concerning the Chancellor’s Judgment.

Respectfully submitted,

Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction
G.J. Mattey, Chair
James Fadel
Mark Grismer

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