Monday, April 06, 2009

Science Stimulus Spam II - Double Yuck

And another science stimulus spam, this one from Perkin Elmer

PerkinElmer self promotional statement deleted to not help them distribute it.

"As you know, the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) is providing large opportunities for grant funding through the NIH.

NIH Challenge Grants in Health and Science Research (RC1)
Recovery Act Limited Competition: High-End Instrumentation Grant Program (S10)
Recovery Act Limited Competition: Biomedical Research Core Centers to Enhance Research Resources (P30)
View More NIH Grant Funding Opportunities
PerkinElmer is here to assist you. "
More self promotional text deleted.

More yuck.


  1. i don't mean to be a pessimist... but, what did anyone expect?? pour gazillions of dollars into somewhere and all the folks who might get a piece of the action arise from the slime.

    unfortunately, this is where universities are headed. its all about indirect (oops... F&A) costs. and if you get a 'friend' at P&E who will 'take a v.p. to dinner' -- all the better...

  2. I agree in many ways. The slime rises to the top along with the cream. We just need to keep outing the slime ....

  3. I thought the ARRA spam was bad, but I had to register on so my consulting company could complete an NIH SBIR application, and now I'm getting 3 or 4 "How to Win Government Contracts" dreck-mails a day.

    I wonder if the government is selling their mailing list to pay off the debt!

  4. I would bet that some contractror and/or NIH is selling those lists ...


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