Tuesday, April 07, 2009

More Science Stimulus Spam

Updated ---

Getting even more Science Stimulus Spam from a company called Metabolon. I have gone back and forth about whether to post text of such messages. Originally I posted the full text here.. After the comment from Cariaso I have decided to remove some of the text but to leave some to giver the gist of the spam.
"Research using metabolomics, the global profiling of biochemicals, was a common topic in the recent NIH Challenge Grant request. Metabolon, the leading provider of metabolomics services, is supporting many of these grant submissions by providing free quotes and a description of services and deliverables."

"Please visit" XXXX (deleting their link) "to submit a brief overview of your study and Metabolon will provide a free quote for services which can be included in your proposal."

Metabolon self promotional text here.

More self promotional text here.

"Please visit" XXX "to submit your study now."

"We look forward to working with you.

The Metabolon Team"


  1. If its not worthy of your inbox, why is the full text worthy of your blog?

  2. I go back and forth over this issue ... I have edited the text now but am not sure whether it is better to post the full text (to inform and simultaneously criticize) or to not ...


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