Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Nature Observations January 6, 2020 #iNaturalist #Birds #BirdPhotography

January 6 was a Monday.  Which meant it was a day to try to go to the Davis Wetlands.  It is only open to the public on Mondays in the Winter.  And then it is only open some of the time.  Many many times I get there and the gate is closed and I have to call up Davis City personnel to get them to open the gate.  I do not complain much about city employees as their jobs are hard much of the time.  But this is just ridiculous.  Closing off public land most of the time is bad enough.  Not even opening a gate once in the AM one day a week is just painfully bad management.

Anyway - on the way to work I went out there to do some phone calls and walk around.  And of course the gate was closed.  And fortunately after a phone call or two I got someone to come out and open it.  Uggh. 

Anyway - I got in some decent birding while doing my calls and then headed to work.  Also made a few observations at home.

iNaturalist Calendar: https://www.inaturalist.org/calendar/phylogenomics/2020/1/6 

Observations copied below

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