Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pubchase recommended papers to read system pretty good ...

Been playing around with Pubchase for various reasons and I have discovered that their system for recommending papers to read is quite good.  What I first did was try to upload my reference collection to Pubchase (I think it did not quite finish but most of the papers I have in my collections got in there).  And then I played around with Pubchase a bit.  And I got busy as usual.  And then I was pleasantly surprised to get an email with recommended papers to read / add to my collection.

Below I have posted the list from the latest email.  The recommendations are spot on.  The links take you to a Pubchase page for each paper and if you have an account there you can add them to ones collection or go directly to the paper.  Definitely worth checking out ..

Jan 10, 2014 International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology
Kosowski K, Schmidt M, Pukall R, Hause G, Kämpfer P, Lechner U
Jan 06, 2014 Molecular Biology And Evolution
Zhong B, Xi Z, Goremykin VV, Fong R, McLenachan PA, Novis PM, Davis CC, Penny D
Jan 13, 2014 World Journal Of Microbiology & Biotechnology
Blöchl E, Burggraf S, Fiala G, Lauerer G, Huber G, Huber R, Rachel R, Segerer A, Stetter KO, Völkl P

The family name Solimonadaceae Losey et al. 2013 is illegitimate, proposals to create the names 'Sinobacter soli' comb. nov. and 'Sinobacter variicoloris' contravene the Code, the family name Xanthomonadaceae Saddler and Bradbury 2005 and the order name Xanthomonadales Saddler and Bradbury 2005 are illegitimate and notes on the application of the family names Solibacteraceae Zhou et al. 2008, Nevskiaceae Henrici and Johnson 1935 (Approved Lists 1980) and Lysobacteraceae Christensen and Cook 1978 (Approved Lists 1980) and order name Lysobacteriales Christensen and Cook 1978 (Approved Lists 1980) with respect to the classification of the corresponding type genera Solibacter Zhou et al. 2008, Nevskia Famintzin 1892 (Approved Lists 1980) and Lysobacter Christensen and Cook 1978 (Approved Lists 1980) and importance of accurately expressing the link between a taxonomic name, its authors and the corresponding description/circumscription/emendation.
Jan 10, 2014 International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology
Tindall BJ
Jan 10, 2014 International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology
Tindall BJ
Jan 10, 2014 International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology
Kwon T, Baek K, Lee K, Kang I, Cho JC
Jan 17, 2014 GigaScience
Bradnam KR, Fass JN, Alexandrov A, Baranay P, Bechner M, Birol I, Boisvert S, Chapman JA, Chapuis G, Chikhi R, Chitsaz H, Chou WC, Corbeil J, Del Fabbro C, Docking TR, Durbin R, Earl D, Emrich S, Fedotov P, Fonseca NA, Ganapathy G, Gibbs RA, Gnerre S, Godzaridis E, Goldstein S, Haimel M, Hall G, Haussler D, Hiatt JB, Ho IY, Howard J, Hunt M, Jackman SD, Jaffe DB, Jarvis ED, Jiang H, Kazakov S, Kersey PJ, Kitzman JO, Knight JR, Koren S, Lam TW, Lavenier D, Laviolette F, Li Y, Li Z, Liu B, Liu Y, Luo R, Maccallum I, Macmanes MD, Maillet N, Melnikov S, Naquin D, Ning Z, Otto TD, Paten B, Paulo OS, Phillippy AM, Pina-Martins F, Place M, Przybylski D, Qin X, Qu C, Ribeiro FJ, Richards S, Rokhsar DS, Ruby JG, Scalabrin S, Schatz MC, Schwartz DC, Sergushichev A, Sharpe T, Shaw TI, Shendure J, Shi Y, Simpson JT, Song H, Tsarev F, Vezzi F, Vicedomini R, Vieira BM, Wang J, Worley KC, Yin S, Yiu SM, Yuan J, Zhang G, Zhang H, Zhou S, Korf IF
Jan 17, 2014 Nature Reviews. Genetics
Sims D, Sudbery I, Ilott NE, Heger A, Ponting CP
Jan 10, 2014 International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology
Amouric A, Liebgott PP, Joseph M, Brochier-Armanet C, Lorquin J
Jan 07, 2014 Cancer Research
Bajrami I, Frankum JR, Konde A, Miller RE, Rehman FL, Brough R, Campbell J, Sims D, Rafiq R, Hooper S, Chen L, Kozarewa I, Assiotis I, Fenwick K, Natrajan R, Lord CJ, Ashworth A
Jan 15, 2014 BioEssays : News And Reviews In Molecular, Cellular And Developmental Biology
List JM, Nelson-Sathi S, Geisler H, Martin W
Jan 08, 2014 Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America
Marino S, Baxter NT, Huffnagle GB, Petrosino JF, Schloss PD
Jan 06, 2014 FEMS Microbiology Reviews
Boon E, Meehan CJ, Whidden C, Wong DH, Langille MG, Beiko RG
Jan 15, 2014 World Journal Of Microbiology & Biotechnology
Tindall BJ
Jan 10, 2014 Indoor Air
Araki A, Saito I, Kanazawa A, Morimoto K, Nakayama K, Shibata E, Tanaka M, Takigawa T, Yoshimura T, Chikara H, Saijo Y, Kishi R
Jan 17, 2014 Astrobiology
La Duc MT, Venkateswaran K, Conley CA
Jan 16, 2014 Nature
Roy MG, Livraghi-Butrico A, Fletcher AA, McElwee MM, Evans SE, Boerner RM, Alexander SN, Bellinghausen LK, Song AS, Petrova YM, Tuvim MJ, Adachi R, Romo I, Bordt AS, Bowden MG, Sisson JH, Woodruff PG, Thornton DJ, Rousseau K, De la Garza MM, Moghaddam SJ, Karmouty-Quintana H, Blackburn MR, Drouin SM, Davis CW, Terrell KA, Grubb BR, O'Neal WK, Flores SC, Cota-Gomez A, Lozupone CA, Donnelly JM, Watson AM, Hennessy CE, Keith RC, Yang IV, Barthel L, Henson PM, Janssen WJ, Schwartz DA, Boucher RC, Dickey BF, Evans CM
Jan 06, 2014 Frontiers In Microbiology
Rodionova IA, Li X, Thiel V, Stolyar S, Stanton K, Fredrickson JK, Bryant DA, Osterman AL, Best AA, Rodionov DA
Jan 17, 2014 Applied And Environmental Microbiology
Porras-Alfaro A, Liu KL, Kuske CR, Xie G
Jan 17, 2014 Molecular Ecology
Primmer CR, Papakostas S, Leder EH, Davis MJ, Ragan MA
Jan 17, 2014 Astrobiology
Venkateswaran K, Vaishampayan P, Benardini JN, Rooney AP, Spry JA
Jan 17, 2014 Applied And Environmental Microbiology
Toenshoff ER, Szabó G, Gruber D, Horn M
Jan 15, 2014 Clinical Microbiology And Infection : The Official Publication Of The European Society Of Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases
Bichaud L, Izri A, de Lamballerie X, Moureau G, Charrel RN
Jan 16, 2014 American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine
Depner M, Fuchs O, Genuneit J, Karvonen AM, Hyvärinen A, Kaulek V, Roduit C, Weber J, Schaub B, Lauener R, Kabesch M, Pfefferle PI, Frey U, Pekkanen J, Dalphin JC, Riedler J, Braun-Fahrländer C, von Mutius E, Ege MJ, PASTURE Study Group
Jan 10, 2014 PLoS Biology
Eisen JA, Ganley E, Maccallum CJ
Jan 16, 2014 Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Matias Rodrigues JF, von Mering C
Jan 08, 2014 Environmental Health : A Global Access Science Source
Casas L, Tischer C, Wouters IM, Torrent M, Gehring U, Garcia-Esteban R, Thiering E, Postma DS, de Jongste J, Smit HA, Borràs-Santos A, Zock JP, Hyvärinen A, Heinrich J, Sunyer J
Jan 07, 2014 BMC Bioinformatics
Roberts A, Feng H, Pachter L
Jan 17, 2014 Astrobiology
Benardini JN, La Duc MT, Beaudet RA, Koukol R
Jan 17, 2014 Astrobiology
Benardini JN, La Duc MT, Ballou D, Koukol R
Jan 10, 2014 Science (New York, N.Y.)
Biller SJ, Schubotz F, Roggensack SE, Thompson AW, Summons RE, Chisholm SW
Jan 08, 2014 Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America
Bokulich NA, Thorngate JH, Richardson PM, Mills DA
Jan 17, 2014 Genome Biology And Evolution
Oakeson KF, Gil R, Clayton AL, Dunn DM, von Niederhausern AC, Hamil C, Aoyagi A, Duval B, Baca A, Silva FJ, Vallier A, Jackson DG, Latorre A, Weiss RB, Heddi A, Moya A, Dale C
Jan 06, 2014 PloS One
Ghosh TS, Gupta SS, Nair GB, Mande SS
Jan 13, 2014 PLoS Genetics
Wang D, Ning K, Li J, Hu J, Han D, Wang H, Zeng X, Jing X, Zhou Q, Su X, Chang X, Wang A, Wang W, Jia J, Wei L, Xin Y, Qiao Y, Huang R, Chen J, Han B, Yoon K, Hill RT, Zohar Y, Chen F, Hu Q, Xu J
Jan 06, 2014 BMC Genomics
Thompson CC, Chimetto L, Edwards RA, Swings J, Stackebrandt E, Thompson FL
Jan 10, 2014 Planta
Ogawa T, Ishikawa H, Shimada K, Shibata K
Jan 09, 2014 International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
Zan J, Liu Y, Fuqua C, Hill RT
Jan 15, 2014 Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America
Wales DJ, Salamon P
Jan 17, 2014 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution
Smith DR, Arrigo KR, Alderkamp AC, Allen AE
Jan 13, 2014 PloS One
Finucane MM, Sharpton TJ, Laurent TJ, Pollard KS
Jan 09, 2014 BMC Genomics
Benedict MN, Henriksen JR, Metcalf WW, Whitaker RJ, Price ND
Jan 08, 2014 Frontiers In Microbiology
Labonté JM, Suttle CA
Jan 13, 2014 PloS One
Fagen JR, Leonard MT, McCullough CM, Edirisinghe JN, Henry CS, Davis MJ, Triplett EW
Jan 13, 2014 PloS One
Kienesberger S, Sprenger H, Wolfgruber S, Halwachs B, Thallinger GG, Perez-Perez GI, Blaser MJ, Zechner EL, Gorkiewicz G
Jan 07, 2014 Environmental Science & Technology
Kulp TR, Miller LG, Braiotta F, Webb SM, Kocar BD, Blum JS, Oremland RS
Jan 07, 2014 Journal Of Proteome Research
Higdon R, Stewart E, Stanberry L, Haynes W, Choiniere J, Montague E, Anderson N, Yandl G, Janko I, Broomall W, Fishilevich S, Lancet D, Kolker N, Kolker E
Jan 17, 2014 Planta
Brandt P
Jan 15, 2014 Planta
Brandt P
Jan 14, 2014 World Journal Of Microbiology & Biotechnology
Yuan P, Ogawa A, Ramamurthy T, Nair GB, Shimada T, Shinoda S, Takeda T

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