Sunday, October 06, 2013

It may have been a flawed #OpenAccess "Sting" but WE ROCKED IT so submit to our journal ...

I suppose I knew this was coming ... but did not expect it so soon ... see the email I received below.  Focus in particular on the part highlighted in yellow .... 

Dear Colleague, 
British Biotechnology Journal (BBJ) is an OPEN peer-reviewed, OPEN access, INTERNATIONAL journal, inspired from the great OPEN Access Movement. We offer both Online publication as well as Reprints (Hard copy) options. Article Processing Charge is only 50 US$ as per present offer. This journal is at present publishing Volume 4 (i.e. Fourth year of operation). 
2. Transparent and High standard Peer review:
In order to maintain highest level of transparency and high standard of review, this journal presently follows highly respected and toughest Advanced OPEN peer-review system(Example Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5, Link6, Link7, Link8, Link9, Link10,Link11, etc). We hope that you will appreciate this Advanced OPEN peer-review system, which is expected to give doubtless scholarly benefit and impact to the authors in long run. Additionally we strongly encourage and promote “Post-publication Peer review” by ourcomment section. 
As per a recent report (Link) of Science journal (present Impact factor 31), one of our journal passed a stringent test of quality of Peer review by rejecting a fake article (Link1,Link2, Link3). We applaud the dedication and hard-work of our peer reviewers and editors to maintain the high standard of our journals. It was reported that only few journals (20), out of total 304 journals tested, rejected the fake article after substantial peer review. We are happy that our journal was among these few successful journals along with industry leaders like PLoS One, Hindawi, etc. We believe that the result of this experiment also proved the efficacy of our Advanced OPEN peer review and ‘post publication’ peer review system. Though the report is debated, as it did not include subscription journals, we normally support any effort to improve the quality and transparency of peer review. 
3. Proposed Time Schedule:
Submission to first editorial decision with review comments: 3 weeks
Submission to publication: 6 weeks
State-of-the-art ‘running issue’ concept gives authors the benefit of 'Zero Waiting Time' for the officially accepted manuscripts to be published.
4. Abstracting/indexing:
Many respected abstracting/indexing services covered our journals.

  • (United Nation's Database)
  • (United Nation's FAO database)
  • OARE
  • (United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Yale University, etc.)
5. Authors’ profile:
Considering high peer review standard, quality control, etc. our journals have been chosen by academicians of many famous universities, institutes, etc. A glimpse of authors’ profileis provided here
6. Testimonials:
Appreciation of our esteemed satisfied authors is the greatest inspiration behind the hard-work of our editorial team. Some of the testimonials are available here
7. Article Processing Charge (or Publication Charge):
Article Processing Charge (or Publication Charge): Manuscript submitted within 1st July, 13 -- 30th September, 2013 will be eligible for 90% discount on normal Article Processing Charge (APC) of 500 USD. (i.e. Effective APC: 50 USD). For more information visit here
7.1. Reprints (Hard copy):
Reprints (Hard copy) are also available at extra cost. For detailed information please see here (Reprint information link). 
8. Sample papers:
  1. Antibacterial and Antiviral Activities of Essential Oils of Northern…..
  2. African Cassava: Biotechnology and Molecular Breeding to the Rescue
  3. Growth Inhibition of Some Phytopathogenic Bacteria by Cell-Free Extracts fromEnterococcus sp
  4. Primary Somatic Embryos from Axillary Meristems and Immature Leaf Lobes of Selected ..
  5. Effects of Initiating Antihypertensive Therapy with Amlodipine or Hydrochlorothiazide on Creatinine Clearance in Hypertensive Nigerians with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  6. Preparation of Protein Extraction from Flower Buds of Solanum lycopersicum for Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis
  7. Diversity of Bacterial Community in Fermentation of African Oil Bean Seeds (Pentaciethra macrophylla Benth) by comparison of 16S rRNA Gene Fragments
  8. The Application Development of Plant-Based Environmental Protection Plasticizer
  9. Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Pearl Millet (Penisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br.) Genotypes

9. Highly qualified Editors:
  • Prof. Y. Dai,
  • Associate Director of Research, Revivicor Inc. Blacksburg, USA
  • Prof. Viroj Wiwanitkit, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Dr. Jean-Marc Sabatier, Université de la Méditerranée-Ambrilia Biopharma inc., France
  • Dr. Robert L. Brown, Food and Feed Safety Research Unit, USDA-ARS-SRRC, New Orleans, USA
  • Dr. Giuseppe Novelli, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
  • Dr. Juan Pedro Navarro – Aviñó, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
  • Dr. Nikolaos Labrou, Department of Agr. Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.
10. Manuscript submission 
Option 1:
Online submission (recommended): Subcentral (
Option 2:
Email attachment to the editorial office at

General Guideline for Authors:
To download MS word SDI paper template click here
To download SDI Manuscript Submission form click here
To download Latex paper template click here

with regards,
Ms. Samapika Mondal
British Biotechnology Journal : An OPEN peer reviewed journal; E-mail:
Reg. Office:
UK: SCIENCEDOMAIN international, Third Floor, 207 Regent Street, London, W1B 3HH,UK,Registered in England and Wales, Company Registration Number: 7794635, Fax: +44 20-3031-1429
USA: SCIENCEDOMAIN international, One Commerce Centre, 1201, Orange St. # 600, Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, USA, Corporate File Number: 5049777, Fax: +1 302-397-2050
India: SCIENCEDOMAIN international, U GF, DLF City Phase-III, Gurgaon, 122001, Delhi NCR, Corp. Firm Registration Number: 255 (2010-11), Fax: +91 11-66173993

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jonathan, Apropo open access publishing, I received this e-mail from SAGE today

    "Submit your manuscript to SAGE Open—now with a lower Article Processing Charge (APC)

    Join the more than 2,000 researchers who have submitted their papers to SAGE Open, and take advantage of the discounted $99 APC.

    SAGE Open is a groundbreaking, open-access publication of peer-reviewed, original research and review articles from SAGE. Articles span the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities. SAGE Open articles receive high quality peer review, copy editing, typesetting, and electronic delivery. This special discounted price does not affect the publishing services or quality.

    Submitting your manuscript is free. Only if your manuscript is accepted will you pay the $99 APC. For more information, view the SAGE Open manuscript submission guidelines."

    A quick look at the articles they present as most cited displays spelling mistakes and strange groupings of articles (adult education and math assessments under the heading Criminology?). It is almost as if they decided to do this poorly in order to discourage using the open access. What are your thoughts on this sagely open access effort?


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