Saturday, April 21, 2012

Best #openaccess figures: happy baby, sad baby

From J. Integrated Omics. DOI: 10.5584/jiomics.v2012i2012.76

One of the greatest things about open access papers in my mind is the ability to use the figures for blogs, classes, etc, without having to consult lawyers and other paper pushers. So I am starting a new series here where I highlight some fun/good figures from various open access papers.

The one shown above is from "How has the recent high-throughput sequencing revolution improved our knowledge of infant microbial colonization and health. J. Integrated Omics. DOI: 10.5584/jiomics.v2012i2012.76. By Adrien Fischer, Katrine Whiteson, Vladimir Lazarevic, Jonathan Hibbs, Patrice Francois, Jacques Schrenzel

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