Saturday, September 22, 2007

If only all scientists were this cool

OK - I admit I am a bit biased since I am starting to collaborate with her on metagenomics related projects, but everyone should check out the new YouTube Video from Jessica Green. Jessica just moved from U. C. Merced to U. Oregon and if you want to know what she works on, well check out the video. Oh and make sure the volume is on.

The funny thing is, I met one of the founders of YouTube (Chad Hurley) a few weeks ago, and I was telling him how I thought scientists were starting to use YouTube more frequently to actually communicate. But I did not have too many concrete examples to show him. So Chad ... you too should check out this video.


  1. Cool, indeed! The music is great too. I just spent the past few minutes figuring out that it is Peter, Bjorn and John's song "Young Folks". Very catchy. The fact that I 'm just hearing it now it proves that I'm no longer one of the young folks...

    Actually, I have wondered about the use of music in such YouTube productions. If the clips are not for profit, is it just a 'don't ask don't tell" world out there?

  2. You will have to ask a lawyer or other about the use of music for YouTube stuff .. but it is all over the place our there.

  3. Jonathan, when will your lab have a clip on YouTube?

  4. will work on it ... but the problem is, I am clearly not as cool as Dr Green

  5. very cool. I think we will see more of that in the future.

  6. Jonathan,
    My 8th grader loves this PB&J song and I'm sending her your link in yet another (futile) effort to convince her that all us science geeks are really very cool.


  7. I think the only way to convince kids that scientists are cool is to not try to make them think we are cool. This is of course challenging. Or oyu could blow stuff up. That is cool.


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