Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Stem Cell ruling trickle down effects: changes in NIH grant review/submission

Just got this email from UC Davis administration that I thought might be of interest

Dear UCD Research Community:
Pursuant to a court order issued on August 23, 2010, NIH is not accepting submissions of information about human embryonic stem cell lines for NIH review.
If you are currently preparing a proposal to NIH that includes stem cell research and NIH has not pulled the RFP, please continue preparing your proposal and Sponsored Programs will submit to
Per the Council on Governmental Relations (COGR):
In a press briefing today August 24, 2010,  Francis Collins, Director of NIH, described the impact of the preliminary injunction prohibiting NIH from funding embryonic stem cell research under the NIH Guidelines on current and pending grants.    A NIH Guide notice will be issued shortly containing greater detail. 
In short, NIH consulted with the Department of Justice to make the following determination:
·                    Current grantees – those who have received their award already – may continue with their research;
·                    NIH will freeze the funds for the current grants due for annual renewal (non-competing renewals) by September 30, 2010;
·                    Grants in the review process – initial peer review or recommended for consideration by the advisory council – will be pulled from further consideration at this time.
We expect to receive additional information shortly, which we will share when received.

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