Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bad omics word of the day: waveomics

Let's just cut to the chase.  The Bad Omics Word of the Day is Waveomics.  Suggested to me by SeaSaver.

On the one hand, I really like that people in biology related fields are putting out preprints in places like Nature Precedings.  On the other hand, this one is a bit painful from the omics terminology point of view: Waveomics: bringing experimental data to online collaboration : Nature Precedings

Well, the term is really just, well, awful.  Here is a key phrase about it:
A Robot is introduced here, waveomics, which provides the first example of allowing experimental data from multiple sources to be queried and shared in the Google Wave environment.
The concept is not so bad in principle - the author Neil Swainston (who has done some cool things - check out his blog and his slideshare presentations and his Academia.Edu page for some detail) was trying to design tools for streaming genomics data in Google Wave.  So this is not a critique of Neil or his work, just of the word waveomics.

Thankfully, in many ways, Google Wave is going extinct.  I guess we should wave good bye to waveomics too. 

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