Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bad omics word of the day: adversomics h/t @jennifergardy @mentalindigest

Well, I guess the bad omics blogger in me is back. The bad omics word of the day today is adversomics. First pointed out to me by Jim C at from MentalIndigestion and now reintroduced to me by Jennifer Gardy.

This one is so awful I had to write it up. The first I know of it is here in an article by Gregory Poland et al. entitled "Adversomics: The Emerging Field of Vaccine Adverse Event Immunogenetics". And now in a new article by the same authors: Application of pharmacogenomics to vaccines where they say
Another area of importance is genetically determined vaccine-associated adverse events, which we have called ‘adversomics'
I note this is the same group that brought us a previous bad omics word of the day winner in "vaccinomics". So they are double winners. Hooray for them.

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