Wednesday, August 26, 2009

#PLoS Currents is live, in case you missed it ...

PLoS Currents is live (as of last week). Check out the blog posting by Harold Varmus:A new website for the rapid sharing of influenza research | Public Library of Science

I am very excited by this --- it seems to be a new step on Open Science.


  1. Yep, way to go! I am so excited about it too. I hope they start one for genomics/metagenomics soon.

    I also think the PLoS submission process should be re-engineered. I feel it's more fit to the PLoS vision that all articles are submitted to one venue (PLoS-ALL) and then, after peer review, directed to the appropriate journal based on significance/impact. This will be better than having the submissions to the flagship PLoS journals redirected--without review--to another community journal or to PLoS ONE.

  2. Woo hoo! We submitted some GenGIS stuff not half an hour ago.

    It's drawn quite an eclectic mix of paperlets from diverse people: epidemiologists, policy people, bioinformaticianicists, etc.

  3. It's already been accepted! Yay!

  4. thanks for letting us know about this. It is a great idea.

    I also like the idea of sending a single MS to PLOS-all but would there be the necessary breadth of editors to properly pre-review? this seems to be a problem even at specialized journals like Plant Cell.

  5. Microbes - I agree that that vision is a good idea - but that is not necessarily what everyone wants to do. Some want to submit to just one plos journal. So perhaps there could be two tracks - journal specific and PLoS all -- will suggest


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