Monday, January 28, 2008

What kid would want to study bacterial evolution when they grow up?

OK - I am a bit scared by this, because it shows how little I have changed since I was young. And in my memory, I was not a total science geek for my whole life (you know - I focus on the fact that in high school, I played baseball and hockey and other sports pretty seriously, I guess my memory skips over that I was captain of the math team too).

But I was digging through some old papers and found this ... a paper I wrote in ninth grade. We got to select a topic for the paper and mine ... "Describe one step in the evolution of a bacterium." The funny thing is --- I do not remember this at all. I mean, I remember reading books by Gould that got me interested in evolution. But surely Gould did not write a lot about bacterial evolution. Where did I come up with this topic? I haven't a clue. Anyway - here is the essay - errors, fluffy handwriting, and all.


  1. haha I had a similar situation when i was 9 I had this discussion with a buddy about career aspirations. We both wanted to be scientists (following the unlikely possibility of a F15 fighter jet pilot (my country hasn't even got that plane then)
    and my buddy made an offhand remark that I would probably become a scientist.. my buddy last I heard joined the navy..

    the strangest association for childhood aspirations that I saw before was in an awards presentation and a drawing of a worm (might have been a snake) done by Sydney Brenner when he was young. haha I am not too sure if the image use was endorsed by him though.. but seems a bit far fetched to see him thinking of his Nobel Prize when he was still a kid..

  2. Excellent penmanship, btw.


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