Saturday, October 06, 2007

Wanted - Entomologist to Work for New York Yankees

Bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs

They are in the news. Yesterday at the Yankees-Indians game in Cleveland, bugs came out in full force. Basically, a swarm of bugs came out in the 8th inning and helped annoy and distract the Yankees pitcher, who then gave up the tying run in the game, which the Yankees went on to lose. Apparently it was a swarm of midges. Whatever it was, expect the value of an entomology PhD to go skyrocketing as Steinbrenner will have to hire a whole team of them.

In addition, the bug puns came out in full force too


  1. "I guess that's a home-field advantage for them," Jeter said. "Just let the bugs out."

  2. Lets see what the Yankees can bring out for Game 3.


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