Saturday, November 13, 2010

YARFOA: Yet another reason for #OpenAccess: speeding innovation in aquaculture

Just saw this interesting paper arguing that open access to literature is critical for the field of aquaculture. The paper argues that open access to literature has accelerate innovation by promoting more partnerships with hobbyists and with others who might normally be outside the "inner circle." Definitely worth a read and it fits under my "YARFOA" category - Yet Another Reason For Open Access.

The paper is "The importance of open access in technology transfer for marine ornamental aquaculture: The case of hobbyist-led breeding initiatives" from the Journal Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation International Journal of the Bioflux Society.

It is is by Andrew Rhyne who is connected with the New England Aquarium and also at Roger Williams University.

I love the concluding paragraph by the way:

Opening the door to an open process. I would hope that others would join me in supporting the free flow of information by publishing their work in open access journals, and encouraging societies like the World Aquaculture Society, the American Fisheries Society, and European Aquaculture Society to go to an open access format. We should fully applaud blogging or posting on discussion forums in real time about efforts to rear new species or develop new live feeds. The dialog that occurs on MOFIB and other online forums can spark innovation that is not possible through traditional formats. I believe that open access is the key to faster breakthroughs, and to better translation between academia, hobbyists, and commercial industry. The Aquaculture field has an opportunity to become an exemplary model for all applied science fields: let’s seize it.


  1. Thank you for such nice words about one of our authors (and not only)!
    Editor-in-Chief AACL Bioflux
    I. V. Petrescu-Mag

  2. Thank you for such nice words about one of our authors (and not only)!
    Editor-in-Chief AACL Bioflux
    I. V. Petrescu-Mag

  3. it is an insightful idea/paper --

  4. The American Fisheries Society (AFS) actually started publishing an open-access journal, Marine and Coastal Fisheries two years ago. It accepts papers (and multimedia) on all subjects related to its field, including those on aquaculture and policy.

  5. About Marine and Coastal Fisheries:
    it is very difficult to obtain fast coverage is WoS and Scopus with one issue per year!
    (...even for an Open Access journal).
    AACL Bioflux is now printing the 9th issue and it is not covered by SCIE (WoS)... only Scopus.
    In fact... I personally think Scopus is more objective than Thomson in journal selection process.
    Some journals with 0 cites are covered with issue 4, while others, published on time, but with tens of cites are not covered by Thomson.
    Scopus also apply a more correct metrics:
    1 citation PLoS Biology = 20 cites in AACL Bioflux.
    In Thomson:
    1 citation PLoS Biology = 1 citation in AACL Bioflux.
    You cannot compare PLoS with AACL Bioflux (even it is generated by me).

  6. Sorry, I found later... Marine and Coastal Fisheries is not annually published, it is quarterly. Much better! More chances! In fact metrics bring everything... even stability.


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