Friday, April 13, 2007

Michael Eisen's 40th Birthday

Today is the 40th birthday of Michael Eisen, one of the co-founders of PLOS, an ardent supporter of Open Access in science, a top notch evolutionary and molecular biologist, and my brother. Happy Birthday Michael. In his honor, here are some links with information and stories about him:

  • Wikipedia entry
  • East Bay News story about him convincing me to publish in PLOS
  • His lab link
  • A story about his Wired Rave Award
  • A list of those who, like him, have won Presidential Young Career Awards

So if you know him, or even if you don't wish him happy birthday (here on the blog, or by sending him email. You can get his email address at his lab web page here).


  1. Happy Birth Day Michael

  2. Happy birthday michael.

    Here he is at the fly meeting last month. I have some other pictures if you're interested in blackmailing him, Jonathan.

  3. I was going to use Pubmed to find an first author article of Michael's that was in a journal published by a particularly obnoxious company like Springer-Verlag or Elsevier (and tell everyone what a great paper it was), but interesting enough, even before the open access movement he didn't seem to publish in such journals. So much for the joke. Anyway, happy birthday to the "other" Eisen.


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