Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Blogger World Favors Open Access Publications

Well, even though the traditional press did not pick up the story about the Tetrahymena genome paper, it seems that lots of blogs and online news sources picked it up.

Here are some:
Maybe the press release from TIGR did not excite the "real" press too much, I do not know. But nevertheless, it is good to see people discussing the article and even better to see that the article is currently the #1 viewed article for the week at PLoS Biology. I asumme that most of this comes from slashdot running an item about the article but I am not 100% sure.

I think the blogger world seems to run stories about Open Access publications much more than
about non Open Access publications since they can read them freely. It would seem that the blogger world is helping to promote Open Access papers and may explain why in the recent past I have gotten much more response to Open Access papers than even to papers in Nature or Science.

It is so important for scientific research to reach all people, not just scientists who can afford subscriptions to journals. Thus a partnership between bloggers and open access publications seems perfect for the new way of doing science.

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