Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Science Journal SPAM of the Week: the Journal of HIV/AIDS from Sci Forschen

Well, got this email this AM.  It is yet another spammy journal (I don't work on HIV/AIDS).  I particularly like the part where I am called an "eminent personality".

Dear Dr. Jonathan Eisen,
Greetings from the Journal of HIV/AIDS,
We take great delight in inviting you to join the Editorial Board for the Journal of HIV/AIDS , which is an open access, peer reviewed journal managed by Sci Forschen.  Ensuring quality and accuracy for every submitted article is the top most priority for Sci Forschen, and we genuinely believe that someone with the knowledge and experience, such as yourself, can really make a huge difference for us.
Journal of HIV/AIDS , publishes cutting edge research work submitted by scholars from all over the world, and we believe that your presence will polished up with the help of illustrious experts in research field.
We are always striving to involve eminent personalities like you and your standing in the global community makes us confident.
Kindly let us know your valuable response and acceptance if possible with in 48 hours.
Please kindly submit your following particulars to update in our journal website

1. Updated CV
2. Passport Size Photo
3. Short Biography
4. Research Interest
Looking forward for your valuable and soon response.


Editorial Office
Sci Forschen Incorporation
913 Catkin Ct.
San Jose, CA 95128, USA.


  1. This same journal contacted me with the same form letter, except for Marine Biology-current research. I politely declined. Two days later, I got the same letter. I went to the website and found a description of a sham journal that is using the name of a real scientist as the "managing editor". No direct way to contact the journal and incomplete information about the journal. I responded to say that I had already declined aprevious offer and asked to be removed from their mail list server. Today I received the same invitation to serve on their board.

    1. I just got the same message this morning (Oct. 17) and the only person I can find with the name that was listed as managing editor is a researcher at the Institute of Genomic Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. I forwarded a copy of the message to let this person know that Sci Forschen may be using her name without her authorization.


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