Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Huffington Post picks me & two members of lab as top biologists/chemists to follow on Twitter

From here.
Good press for my lab here: Scientists On Twitter: 30 Biologists And Chemists To Follow

The list (which started out at 30 and expanded to 47) included three people from my lab: me (@phylogenomics), post doc Holly Bik (@dr_bik) and PhD student Russell Neches (@ryneches).

I like that I am the first one shown on the slideshow (though not sure if this means I am #1 on their list or just random ...).

Making such lists is always a challenge and also rife with issues.  There are many many great tweeters of chemistry and biology not on the list, for example. But I think they did a pretty good job covering diverse types of people here.  Lots of women too, which was good to see.

Anyway - thanks to Rebecca Searles and her advisor Jason Goldman for compiling the list and making my lab look pretty good ...

Full list:

  1. @phylogenomics
  2. @NerdyChristie
  3. @nparmalee
  4. @biochembelle
  5. @kejames
  6. @DrBondar
  7. @kzelnio
  8. @girlscientist
  9. @MiriamGoldste
  10. @modernscientist
  11. @PolymerPhD
  12. @toraks
  13. @RichardDawkins
  14. @nuin
  15. @DrRubidium
  16. @mitpostdoc
  17. @Evolutionistrue
  18. @ChemicalBiology
  19. @WhySharksMatter
  20. @Aur_ora
  21. @ChemistPD
  22. @dgmacarthur
  23. @DNLee5
  24. @aetiology
  25. @Myrmecos
  26. @thisischristina
  27. @deborahblum
  28. @SeeArrOh
  29. @carmendrahl
  30. @Dr_Bik
  31. @TCNoel
  32. @nssampson
  33. @sciencegeist
  34. @SFriedScientist
  35. @kg_science
  36. @JATetro
  37. @JacquelynGill
  38. @Katie_PhD
  39. @D_Aldridge
  40. @JohnFBruno
  41. @ScientistMags
  42. @jtotheizzoe
  43. @MayaPlass
  44. @scimomof2
  45. @DrTwittenheimer
  46. @leonidkruglyak
  47. @ryneches

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