Thursday, January 05, 2012

Bentham publisher - so wrong in some many ways #SPAM

I have written about Bentham - that Spam bots of science publishing before.   Got an email from them today - it is wrong in so many ways.  I thought I would just post it here - and let people judge for themselves but am a bit wary of calling attention to them and putting out any of their message.  So I am going to put out mine


And if that is not enough for you, how about reading Richard Poynder's piece on them from four years ago.  Seems they have not changed a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan
    By now I should point out that this has all the trappings of a classic pyramid scheme.
    (see Wikipedia for the mathematics)
    Why else would Springer acquire BMC?
    Wolters Kluwer acquire Medknow?
    The top tier journals mathematically require vast numbers of bottom tier journals so they can keep their citation counts up.
    Eugene Garfield noted the 80-20 rule. Now it is completely being gamed. The more the bottom grows the more the top can expand.


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