Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Among the strangest official email msgs I have ever received

It has been brought to my attention that the practice of standing on the toilet seat has not only been identified in the women’s restroom, but also the men’s restroom. As a follow-up, the MSO/CAO for the departments has been notified of this safety & sanitary concern. As part of the corrective action, all stall doors (women and men) will be posted with the following notice: FOR SAFETY AND SANITARY REASONS, PLEASE DO NOT STAND ON THE TOILET SEAT.


  1. Yuck, I would never stand on the seat; I have much better aim standing on the fill tank...

  2. This has also occurred at our University toilets. Signs were even put up with pictorial representations of the act of squatting on a toilet, with a slash through it. We have a lot of international students from Asia here in Australia, and many of them are just adapting to the method they alway use, but on a Western style toilet.

  3. We run into this problem in Thailand with western toilets. Many Thai's used to squatting will stand then squat on the western toilets. There are signs discouraging that. I've walked in many times to see footprints on the toilet seat.

  4. Actually - what I found the strangest about the email was NOT the standing on toilets, which - while a bit strange to me is -well - it is what it is --- but what was most strange was the whole tone --- for example --- why is it suddenly a bigger issue now that it has happened in the men's restroom? And then - WTF with the notice? Is that going to help somehow? And why on the stall doors? Everything here is -well - strange ...

  5. I once came across the opinion that the condition of toilets reflects the economical situation(/state of development) of the country they belong to. The more I traveled, the more proofs I found for this correlation. I hope an increased number of males standing on the toilet seat;) is not indicating an upcoming crisis in America...

  6. Wow, I enjoyed reading that. The level of concern stressed in it, gave me a good laugh. Like the end of the world is coming. Got to love administration.

  7. I frequent a building that has a sign on the inside of the stall that says :

    Please flush only paper and human waste

    Seems somehow discriminatory to any aliens who might wander in....


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