Monday, January 11, 2010

UC Pres. Yudof (@mark_yudof) statement regarding California budget

Just got this in an email from UC President Mark Yudof

Statement by President Mark G. Yudof

University of California
January 8, 2010
With his proposed restoration of $370 million in funding for UC, including $305 million cut last year, the Governor has taken another important step toward putting California's commitment to higher education back on track. These restorations, in addition to the Governor's proposed constitutional amendment earlier this week, are clear evidence that the Governor understands the vital role public higher education plays in California.
We are pleased that the Governor's budget provides $51.3 million to fund enrollments - an important step in light of the fact that UC currently enrolls 14,000 students for whom the state provides no funding. These funds will support student access at a time when we have overwhelming demand by UC-qualified students. We are also deeply grateful that the Governor's proposal sustains funding for the Cal Grants program for UC students, which will enable us to continue to provide financial aid to our most needy students. The Governor's proposal ensures that UC's Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan will continue to cover the system-wide fees of students who qualify for financial aid and have family incomes of less than $70,000.
While we deeply appreciate the Governor's actions, notwithstanding the crisis in the state budget, there is still a significant gap as we seek to repair a budget that has been severely cut. The University requested $913 million to address this critical issue. We now turn to the Legislature to adopt the Governor's proposals and to find every opportunity possible to fulfill the $913 million needed to restore UC's funding. This money is vital if UC is to avoid declining educational quality, access and research.
Achieving a full restoration of the budget will be a challenge, given the magnitude of the State's budget gap and the cuts being proposed for other State services. But reinvestment in public higher education is critical. We will be asking our advocates to be very active in making the case for the University. It is important that UC be able to maintain its tradition of excellence, thereby ensuring a brighter future for all Californians.

1 comment:

  1. Current Threats to University of California Don’t Come From the Outside - $3 Million Extravagant Spending by UC President Yudof for University of California Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau to Hire Consultants - When Work Can Be Done Internally & Impartially
    During the days of the Great Recession, every dollar in higher education counts. Contact Chairwoman Budget Sub-committee on Education Finance Assemblywoman Carter 916.319.2062 - tell her to stop the $3,000,000 spending by Birgeneau on consultants.
    Do the work internally at no additional costs with UCB Academic Senate Leadership (C. Kutz/F. Doyle), the world – class professional UCB faculty/ staff, & the UCB Chancellor’s bloated staff (G. Breslauer, N. Brostrom, F. Yeary, P. Hoffman, C. Holmes etc) & President Yudof.
    President Yudof’s UCB Chancellor should do the high paid work he is paid for instead of hiring expensive East Coast consults to do the work of his job. ‘World class’ smart executives like Chancellor Birgeneau need to do the hard work analysis, and make the tough-minded difficult, decisions to identify inefficiencies.
    Where do the $3,000,000 consultants get their recommendations?
    From interviewing the UCB senior management that hired them and approves their monthly consultant fees and expense reports. Remember the nationally known auditing firm who said the right things and submitted recommendations that senior management wanted to hear and fooled the public, state, federal agencies?
    $3 million impartial consultants never bite the hands (Chancellor Birgeneau/ Chancellor Yeary) that feed them!
    Mr. Birgeneau's accountabilities include "inspiring innovation, leading change." Instead of deploying his leadership and setting a good example by doing the work of his Chancellor’s job, Birgeneau outsourced his work to the $3,000,000 consultants. Doesn't he engage UC and UC Berkeley people at all levels to examine inefficiencies and recommend $150 million of trims? Hasn't he talked to Cornell and the University of North Carolina - which also hired the consultants -- about best practices and recommendations that eliminate inefficiencies?
    No wonder the faculty, staff, students, Senate & Assembly are angry and suspicious.
    In today’s Great Recession three million dollars is a irresponsible price to pay when a knowledgeable ‘world-class’ UCB Chancellor and his bloated staff do not do the work of their jobs.
    Pick up the phone and call: save $3 million for students!


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