Saturday, August 09, 2008

Campus Open Access Policies: The Harvard Experience and How to Get There (SPARC)

SPARC has a nice set of talks online about Harvard's move towards a University wide open access system (see Campus Open Access Policies: The Harvard Experience and How to Get There (SPARC))

From the web site
"This spring, Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences voted to enable open access to their scholarly articles in an institutional repository. This vote granted the university the rights necessary to archive and make freely available on the Internet articles written by Arts and Sciences faculty members. It is the first time the faculty of a U.S. university has voted for an open access directive and the first time a faculty has granted permission to the university to make its articles available through open access. It is because of this vote, and the efforts leading up to it, that the Harvard FAS was named as the SPARC Innovators for June 2008.

The forum offers an exploration of the motivations behind the Harvard policy, the groundwork invested in its creation, reactions and outcomes to date, and the broader implications of this historic step. Headlining the event is Stuart M. Shieber, professor of computer science at Harvard, director of the Center for Research on Computation and Society, faculty co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, and the key architect of the policy.

Shieber is joined by Catherine Candee, executive director, Strategic Publishing and Broadcast Initiatives, from the office of the president of the University of California, who relates similar activity in the UC system; and by Kevin L. Smith, JD, scholarly communications officer at Duke University, who suggests legal considerations for institutions following the open access policy path."

Hat tip to Michael Rogawski from U. C. Davis for pointing this out. In particular, he and I are very interested in the discussion by Catherine Candee about why the UC system did not do this before Harvard (we are hoping to get the UC to do something like this). Rogawski has also pointed me in the direction of some nice tools for sharing my publications through the UC system (see his BE Press site here).

1 comment:

  1. A friendly FYI: Catherine Candee spoke at the Berkman Center this last spring: "Whose knowledge is it? UC takes on IP." The video is on Berkman's site.


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